
$ gem install --no-user-install unicorn
{:gem_home=>#<Pathname:/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1>, "Gem.dir"=>"/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1", "options[:user_install]"=>nil}
WARNING: Installing to ~/.gem since /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1 and
/usr/bin aren't both writable.
I am Rubygems. I do not care if you passed --no-user-install or it's in your ~/.gemrc;
the option isn't set. It's nil. I am a piece of software that has
hated you since time immemorial. t('-'t)
diff -Naur rubygems-orig/installer.rb rubygems/installer.rb
--- rubygems-orig/installer.rb 2010-07-20 15:28:56.000000000 -0700
+++ rubygems/installer.rb 2010-07-20 15:53:49.000000000 -0700
@@ -122,6 +122,8 @@
# We'll divert to ~/.gem below
+ $stderr.puts({:gem_home => @gem_home, 'Gem.dir' => Gem.dir,
+ 'options[:user_install]' => options[:user_install]}.inspect)
if not File.writable? @gem_home or
# TODO: Shouldn't have to test for existence of bindir; tests need it.
(@gem_home.to_s == Gem.dir and File.exist? Gem.bindir and
@@ -134,7 +136,13 @@
self.class.home_install_warning = true
- options[:user_install] = true
+ if !options[:user_install]
+ $stderr.puts "I am Rubygems. I do not care if you passed " \
+ "--no-user-install or it's in your ~/.gemrc; ",
+ "the option isn't set. It's nil. I am a piece of software that has ",
+ "hated you since time immemorial. t('-'t)"
+ abort
+ end
if options[:user_install] and not options[:unpack] then
I have never gotten --no-user-install to do anything, and have just now
determined that there is some bug in the option parsing, but the code is kind of
a tangled mess. This is, as far as I know, the only way to stop it installing
things in ~/.gem without tracking down the real bug.
Things I have tried:
* --no-user-install on the command line.
* --no-user-install in my ~/.gemrc.
* rm -rf ~/.gem; touch ~/.gem; sudo chattr +i .gem (Blows up way earlier.
Rubygems can't cope with not being able to make that directory.)
* Telling rubygems lies about $HOME.
* This patch. It's the only thing that has worked so far, if my goal is to make
Rubygems die with an error instead of just stuffing things into ~/.gem, making
them inaccessible when I try to run things as a different user. (This being
Unix and all...)