Making Music with Computers: Two Unconventional Approaches

I love music. I really, really love music. Hopefully you’ll forgive the departure from the usual topics.


The Inferno Operating System: You're soaking in it!

I always thought that commercial was a little creepy.


Inferno, Part 3: Let's Make a Filesystem!

Everything is a filesystem. Everything! This is true to a much greater degree in Plan 9 and Inferno than in other operating systems, even Linux. Using filesystems is one thing, but building them lets you do some really cool things! So we are going to take a closer look at filesystems, 9P, and rolling your own fileserver using the Styxservers library.


Brainfind a Stranger in the Alps

In which is described an Inferno program that generates Linux/x86 executables, the design of a simple VM, and programs that generate programs (but all of it will be horribly disappointing).


Dropping Feedburner

Just a quick note to mention that I’m dropping the Feedburner RSS feed in favor of a regular RSS feed. I’ll leave it around for some undecided amount of time, but you’ll want to update your RSS readers to point to when you can. The URL has been fixed in the nav bar and in the rel="alternate" link in the head tag.
